Welcome to the board



Here is some key information and links that every board member and officers should have.

Google Groups (email archives & discussion forums): https://groups.google.com/a/apogaea.com/forum/#!myforums

User List: http://apourl.co/Users

Wiki: http://apourl.co/Wiki (Can edit pages using this link) http://wiki.apogaea.com (Read only and public link)

Anyone with an @apogaea.com account can access and update pages, if needed we can lock down certain pages. I had hoped the Wiki lead appointed in Oct would work out and start contacting depts to get their pages updated, but sadly he has been MIA since then and I haven’t seen him make any updates  I’m communicating with Birthday (IT Lead) on how to move forward with this.

Internal Apogaea Timeline\Calendar 

Key Sheets

Email Usage Tips:

Google Drive

Past User Files:

When a user leaves the org their files should be transferred to zBoardData, unless they have an XXXO or replacement that should have access to all of their files.

IT MUST BE TOLD to disable accounts and to have their data transferred. Once it@apogaea.com is notified they will disable accounts and transfer files to whomever they are requested to.

Past User Folder: https://drive.google.com/a/apogaea.com/folderview?id=0B53KJBg1O_q5SFpLRzZNRHk5UXc

Only the board has read access to this folder and the zBoardData account owns it, which the IT lead and president should know the password too.

Board Data

Folder that shared data should be created in: https://drive.google.com/a/apogaea.com/folderview?id=0B53KJBg1O_q5U2RKLTFjWDkyYms

Only board member and officers have edit rights to this folder, Mission Control group has just view rights. So mentoring officers and board members will be limited to view rights by default. The Minutes sub-folder allows view access to all Apogaea account holders.

Public Historical Data

Folder that contains data that all account holders can access: https://drive.google.com/a/apogaea.com/folderview?id=0B53KJBg1O_q5UWQ3dmMtdkR3RUU