Apogaea Account, User & Profile Information
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Short URL for this page: http://apourl.co/AccountInfo
Lead & Board liaisons, use the following forms to request a new role, ask a role to be posted on the website and social to be filled, to get new @apogaea.com accounts created, and confirm account\users for an existing Apogaea account information. All accounts must be confirmed yearly, and all Spark & Ignition members must be in the http://apourl.co/Users list. This is the list ticketing and other department use.
To fill a role:
Step 1: Check if the role already exists in the Roles List: http://apourl.co/Roles-List, if so jump to Step 3
Step 2: Create a new role, if it doesn't exist already in the http://apourl.co/Roles-List sheet, or submit an Open one:
Step 3: Request the role to be posted by Telemetry by filling out this form: http://apourl.co/Roles (This is for department leads and board liaisons)
To fill roll\confirm users for the upcoming event year:
For every role\person, returning or new:
Step 4: Request or confirm accounts at: http://apourl.co/UserInfo (Must be done for ALL Ignition and Spark members EVERY YEAR)
Step 5: Fill out your Apogaea BIO\profile: http://apourl.co/Bio (Optional, only use for department leads in most cases)
The 1st form, on step 3, is only needed for roles that need to be listed under "Open Roles" here: http://apogaea.com/get-involved/open-ignition-sparks-positions/. This information will go to the Web/telemetry team to get this role listed. A list of existing roles and their descriptions can be found in the Apogaea Role Descriptions sheet: http://apourl.co/Roles.
The 2nd form, on step 4, will notify Apogaea IT that a user needs to be added to the ApoUsers list, that an account needs to be created (optionally for Sparks), or will be used again the next year. This form should be filled out for EVERY Ignition and Spark member. New users will get a Welcome email from IT when their account is created.
All users with an @apogaea.com accounts will need to get with their lead at least a month before the disabled date to confirm they will have a role at Apogaea that year or are working on items that might require access to Apogaea resources or are mentoring their replacement. Unconfirmed accounts are disabled normally by May.
All Ignition members who have not been ratified by Oct 31st will be changed to Sparks until they are ratified; this should not affect access to your @Apogaea.com email or Apogaea resources.
Accounts not confirmed by date two month or so after 10/31 roll-off date will be disabled.
The 3rd form, on step 5, is only for department leads, who will have their BIO & pics added to Apogaea.com website.
New Account Workflow & Process
Lead or liaisons finds someone for their open position and provides their legal name and position to secretary@apogaea.com
Contact details must be provided before the person is ratified by the board
Lead or liaison request user to be added to official Apo Users List and for an account to be created here: http://apourl.co/UserInfo
IT is notified of a new Ignition user request and get the info from the form above here: http://apourl.co/UserRequests (Only Apo IT has access to this sheet)
Via alerts, they have setup on the ApoUserInfo form (https://support.google.com/docs/answer/91588?hl=en)
IT adds their info to the Apo User list here: http://apourl.co/Users
This list is used by IT, board, leads, and ticketing. If a user isn't listed here they will not get a ticket code to Apogaea
IT creates an account and send “Welcome” e-mail to new user
Person gets ratified, at some point
This is normally done at the next board meeting, so accounts commonly created before the user is ratified. So IT adds most new users as a Spark, with the comment of "Spark until ratified"
Secretary adds this person to the official Org membership list, in ApoUsers on the [<year> Ratified Members] tab, and changes their status from Spark to Ignition in ApoUsers list
IT will also change user's status to Ignition or Ground Control if they see that someone is listed on the [<year> Ratified Members] tab but their status is incorrect on the [<year> Users] tab.
Fuffer adds new member to Facebook "Apogaea Ignition and Sparks" page, if desired
Onboarding starts the onboarding process
Lead request user to be added to official Apo Users List here: http://apourl.co/UserInfo
IT is notified of new Spark user request
IT adds their info to the Apo User list here: http://apourl.co/Users
This list is used by IT, board, leads, and ticketing. If a user isn't listed here they will not get a ticket code to Apogaea
If requested, IT creates an account, adds it to correct dept groups, and send “welcome” e-mail to new user
This is an option on the Apo Account form
Fuffer adds new member to Facebook "Apogaea Ignition and Sparks" page, if desired
Onboarding starts the onboarding process
Existing Accounts
All accounts should be confirmed every year before the oct 31st roll-off date ideally
Lead or liaisons confirms person wants to stay in their current role
Person gets re-ratified, if it’s an Ignition role
Secretary adds this person to the membership list for current year, sets member type to Ignition or Spark
Person, if they have an account, or their lead or liaisons confirms their account and contact info here: http://apourl.co/UserInfo
IT is notified that an account needs to be confirmed for the current year
IT updates their account and group membership based on the department they are in
IT updates created\updated column in membership list
Suspending Accounts
IT is notified that an account needs to be suspended
IT suspends account
IT add date Suspended column, their name to By Who column, and changes Category to Resigned in: http://apourl.co/Users
Secretary or IT updates Resigned or Removed column in: http://apourl.co/Users
Accounts are deleted after they have been suspended for at least a year
Yearly Roll-off of Accounts
All Ignition members, except for board members, expire on Oct 31s per our bylaws
Board and leads should go to http://apourl.co/UserInfo to confirm or request accounts for the next year
A month or so after the roll-off date IT will send an e-mail to all non-returning members, based off http://apourl.co/Users, that their account will be disabled in a month and to get with their lead if they need it longer
Two months after the roll-off date unconfirmed accounts will be disabled; unless requested by a lead or board member not to be disabled.
Three months after roll-off date, any remaining enabled accounts for non-returning or unknown users will be disabled and removed from the ApoUsers list, unless requested otherwise
For more details see the [IT Processes] page