IT Accounts Processes
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New Accounts
Related recording from 9/24/2024
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Lead\Board Member: Submits request to have user added to ApoUser (membership list) via
All org members and Sparks have to have their info submitted via this form to get added to the ApoUsers list and to get a ticket.
If they are an Ignition member, they also have to be ratified. But being ratified doesn't get you added to the ApoUsers list, that is done via the ApoUserInfo form. Their lead or lead or board liaison needs to fill out the form, which requires and account."
IT: Add Users to, creates accounts, and add their email address to related dept groups
Create account, if the user is or will be an Ignition member or one was requested for a Spark
Sparks by default do not get an account, but if one is requested by selecting Yes in the ApoUserInfo form please create one for them
Fill in first and last name, based off results in
Secondary email address: Their external email address
Phone: See form
Title: See form
Department: See form
Start a new email, based off the “welcome”
Copy password from user-created screen
Replace name fields with their name\account
Send to the user personal\external email address, their lead, and CC IT on it
Add to correct dept groups
Check and for who has been recently ratified.
The Secretary should do the two steps below, but IT should also help to keep this list updated
Add their info on the [<year> Ratification Raw Data] tab in
Add their name to if this is a new request and they aren't already ratified
Add new to group for members who have been or are pending ratification or have been already
Add to group, if they will not be on Ignition
Add them to the department group(s) requested, including external accounts if a Spark
They should be added to at least one department group, even if not requested in most cases
Since there isn't a standard on group names, you might have to contact their lead to find out what groups they should be in
Add user to ApoUser [<year> User] tab
Check list to see if they exist already
If they are on the [<year>> Ratified Members] tab the columns in gray will be in red if they aren't on the [<year> Users] tab
Copy their info from UserRequests, make sure to update the following columns
A: [Nickname]
D: [Apogaea Email] - If they aren't an Ignition member and haven't requested one, put in their personal email address
E: [Source] - Normally "UserInfo Form", or also email, chat, or phone call
F: [<year>] - "Yes"
G: [Added or Confirmed] - Date you added them to the user list
H: [Requested by Confirmed By] - User who submitted the UserInfo form normally
I: [Comments] - "Spark until ratified", if this is the case
J: [Category] - Spark or Ignition, if they haven't been ratified yet it should be Spark
L: [Role]
N: [Ratified Date] - If they have been and you know the date enter it, otherwise enter "Pending"
Q: [Returning or Current] - "Pending Ratification" in most common, "Current" if they have already been ratified
When a user is ratified (See Pending Ratifications list:
All Ignition members must be submitted for ratification by their lead, but this is normally done by IT by adding them to the /Ratify list.
Their legal name, nick name, role, and person contact info should be sent by their lead to their department liaisons,, or
Since ~2019 the list has become the primary source of who is pending ratification and has been ratified
Confirm in the User List column J:[Category\Group] is set to Ignition, or Ground Control or Mission Control if this person is lead (GC) or board member or officer (MC)
Update column N:[Ratified Date] to the date they were ratified
Add them to the Ignition@ group
Remove them from the Sparks@ group
Existing Accounts
All accounts should be confirmed every year before the roll-off date
Update User List with changes and other info as listed above for New Accounts
Update existing account and group membership based on the department they are in
Suspending Accounts
In Google Admin
Disable their account and rename account, First Name and email address, to zzz<username>
Accounts are deleted after they have been suspended for at least a year
Remove them from all groups
Find out from their lead or board liaisons what should be done with their Google Drive and email account
Google Drive data can be transferred to their replacement OR to zBoardData (preferred)
Data can also be transferred when their account is deleted, there is a prompt at this time on which account to tranger their drive data too
If transferred to zBoardData then their folder can then be shared out with those that need access to the data. Transfer Ownership Page
For email IT will need to re-enable their account, reset their password and A) Share it with those that need to access it or B) Setup delegation to those that need to access it
In User List
Change [J:Category] to "Resigned" if this is valid, otherwise set it to "None" or "Unknown"
Updates [O: Resigned or Removed] column with date if the case
Yearly Roll-off of Accounts
Detailed steps covered in this document:
Roll-off date is Oct 31st per the bylaws as of 2018
The board and leads should communicate this data to their Ignition members and confirm who will be returning
In reality they don't and IT does this via emails outlined in Roll-Off document
Board and leads should go to to confirm or request accounts for the next year
A month or so after the roll-off date IT will send an e-mail to all non-returning members, based off, that their account will be disabled in a month and to get with their lead if they need it longer
Two months after the roll-off date unconfirmed accounts will be disabled; unless requested by a lead or board member not to be
Ignition group membership reset
All users removed from groups
Group repopulated based on those with Ignition category in
This step is done by creating a CSV files of the Ignition users and importing it into the group using Google User & Group admin website
The Ignition group should also include the GC & MC groups still
Ground Control group membership reset
Same as above, but only for those with "Ground Control" category
Mission Control group should still be a member of this group
Three months after roll-off date, any remaining enabled accounts for non-returning or unknown users will be disabled and removed from the ApoUsers list, unless requested otherwise
Note: In 2021, Google added bulk group import support, therefore the bulk\CLI management GAM tools aren't required anymore for importing group members.