Secretary Best Practices
Apo BOD Email Voting Record:
During the Meeting: use the template, copy the agenda into it before each meeting for ease of note-taking
Note all Board and non-Board attendees.
Include whether a quorum is present. If a vote requires a supermajority, note whether a supermajority was present.
Include all resolutions—it is helpful to bold these, as well as any tasks taken on. It is helpful to put this information at the top of the minutes for ease of review after the meeting and in later years.
BOD Approval: post minutes on Google Drive after meeting, allow Mission Control to comment, include a note asking them to comment as needed within the next week, make revisions as recommended. Remember that you are editing for grammar and incorrect notes, you do not make changes to the reality of what happened--BOD members cannot change their votes.
Post to Ignition: after 1 week notify Telemetry that the minutes have been reviewed and can be double checked against the Community Reporter’s notes. The summary can be shared with the public, but minutes are not available until they are ratified at the next meeting. Minutes are never published to the public or placed on the website.
At the next meeting, have the minutes ratified, then move to Minutes folder (which should share to the wiki) and allow Ignition to view so it can be seen on the wiki. Also, let IT know to post an addition link to the wiki.
Minutes are never shared on the website with the general public.
The Secretary acts as a backup for the VP and President in tracking what remaining issues should be discussed at upcoming meetings. Help the President with the agenda.
The Secretary should be very familiar with all the Bylaws and keep the BOD honest in terms of following Bylaw requirements in all aspects of their work, including votes.
Remember that any changes to the Bylaws require a SUPERMAJORITY vote (⅔ of the entire board)
All votes at meetings must have a quorum in attendance and a majority of those in attendance voting in favor to pass.
BOD and Ground Control required to submit their list with personal email, legal name, Facebook profile info, and phone number at least one week prior to the Board Meeting. Recommended to keep BOD members strictly to this deadline. It is not your job to track down this info for liaisons.
All changes to Ignition should be captured in the Minutes for future reference
Most votes are taken as a group--BULK LIST--ratification. Any special discussions are pulled out to a separate agenda item.
There should be few reasons to ratify members by online vote. Online votes should be used sparingly and for time urgent matters.
Built in Google Sheet at that acts as a single place, with multiple tabs, for current and for historical use.
Only IT and Secretary has editing capabilities to Membership\Ratification list tabs to avoid unintentional revisions although Mission Control and Telemetry can view. STRONG recommendation to maintain single point of edit for the OFFICIAL membership list. One person with access/one person with ultimate responsibility. This list must be kept up to date and be absolutely accurate for legal sufficiency and to protect the corporate status of Apo.
The [<current year Users] tab should have the current Ignition and Spark members. This data is used to distribute tickets so must be kept up to date. So this tab get be edited my members of the group, IT, Ground Control, and Mission Control.
Be consistent with entries to enable the filter function to work properly
Do not edit columns or cells in Grey, these usually contain formulas
When an Ignition position is ratified, enter into the “Open Positions” table:
See the Apogaea Account & Profile Information page for the latest details on the related topic of account management
When a person is ratified into a position, enter or move them into the Corporation Membership list. Include:
Ratification Date
Legal Name
Personal Email
IT communicates with the person and assigns both Apo email addresses; Secretary is copied to verify Personal Email and Phone
Contact Onboarding and Fluffer to ensure they have new members on their radars
When a ratified Lead leaves Ignition:
Revised Date
Ratified to “resigned” or “removed”, BOD liaison needs to have the resignation in writing or documentation on why they were removed
Highlight in red so IT can easily identify people to remove
Once IT has concluded removing the Lead from email and facebook, move them to the Resigned Members tab
Do not simply delete previous members--this archive info is extremely helpful and you will use it.
New format is very intuitive and seems well-liked, recommend keeping it. Not certain if the Secretary will be asked to maintain this. We had a separtate person maintain it in 2014. May revert back to Secretary, where it resided previously.
Only the Secretary has editing capabilities to avoid unintentional revisions although anyone with the link can view (Same concept as keeping the membership list focused and accurate)
The process for email votes is as follows and is also shown on a separate tab in the tracking document.
BOD discuses and debates the subject via email or chat
Secretary should challenge the action if there is not a sufficient reason for this to be handled in an online vote. Can it wait for a meeting, or is it time sensitive or sometime routine that just needs to be handled and allow work to continue moving forward?
When a BOD member makes a motion they record it, themselves, in the form at the below link, along with the date and their name. They also input the date the voting will close
Add the word MOTION: to the subject of the email thread or chat so the other BOD members know to go vote.
Whoever 2nds the motion records their name.
The entire BOD enters their vote on the form in the appropriate column.
If a motion is amended, whoever is amending enters it as a new motion, starting with the word AMEND; the process starts again from Step 3.
The Secretary announces when the voting is complete. Board members will try to announce that a vote is over or the motion has passed. They do not have authority to do this. The Secretary announces the vote. The full time must pass before the vote is called. This window of time was expressly voted in to allow BOD members to engage in debate and change their minds due to the intermittent reading of emails.
Refresh your understanding of votes over the phone/Skype/Hangouts. They are not allowed, other than in specific instances. You will need to manage this also.
The Secretary indicates pass or fail, notifies Ignition if it passed.
A majority of the full BOD must approve a motion for it to pass.
The Secretary selects the row on the voting record once it has passed and locks down editing capabilities. This way votes cannot be changed after the fact and the record stays clean.
At the next public meeting, the Secretary reviews the vote and puts the record into the minutes.
Apo BOD Email Voting Record:
Version on the wiki/website is current; keep a current version on your personal computer just in case
Only the Secretary has editing capabilities to avoid unintentional revisions although anyone with the link can view
If a Bylaw revision is made, edit the Bylaws, change the date of revision in the document and save with the current date. Share the version with IT so they can update the wiki and website.
All BOD members and officers should sign one (every year). A record of these should probably be stored on the wiki although that has not historically been done. Secretary historically retains the original copies.