
All Ignition members and Sparks must be in the http://apourl.co/ApoUsers list, otherwise they will not get a ticket code. New users can be added by going to http://apourl.co/ApoUserInfo. For more info on accounts see the Apogaea Account & Profile Information page.

Sparks are a more junior role, normally work at the event for 18+ hours or thought the year under a lead/Ignition member.

Ignition is our team name for the voting members that make up the Apogaea organization. Ignition is composed of the following:

Ignition roles are normally in a year around lead role and/or lead role at the event. All Ignition members are officially and legally members of the Apogaea Org. They must be nominated by their lead or board liaison and are voted on by the board. Per the Bylaws a process must be followed to remove an Ignition member.